Mangiarotti Hosted the Conference “Power Generation: Risks and Opportunities”

“Power generation: risks and opportunities “ – This is the topic of the conference, organized by the PMI-NIC (Project Management Institute Northern Italy Chapter) with the collaboration of the Association of Engineers of Gorizia and ATI (Italian Thermotechnical Association), that took place in Mangiarotti on the 30th of November 2017. More than 60 guests, including experts from various companies, universities and also from the Civil Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia met to discuss and share their experience, focusing on the different processes of power generation and the main risks/opportunities related to them. The process of risk management (Risk identification, Assessment and Response planning) has been applied to current projects, based on lessons learned from previous experiences , in order to evaluate risks and opportunities in the proper way.

Acknowledgment to everyone who contributed to the organization of this event!