Global Security

Global Security will serve as the business leader responsible for the development, implementation and management of the organization’s global corporate security vision, strategy and programs, including site security, emergency response, access authorization, security related investigations, medical operations, threat intelligence, and travel security and risk management.

General Security Training for Westinghouse Sites

The General Security Training will provide an overview of physical security, intrusion detection, cameras, credentialing, visitors to our Westinghouse locations, vehicle operations, property entry restrictions, emergency situations, reporting information to Security, consent to inspection and industrial safety. This training is required for non-Westinghouse persons who have been requested to hold unescorted access at U.S. Westinghouse locations. NOTE: For Unescorted Access to the Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility and/or Western Zirconium, specific modules within this training are dedicated for completion.

Please CLICK HERE to be taken to the training course.


Link to Transcript


After completing the General Security Training, please use the table below to access information about your specific site location(s) to which you will be holding unescorted access.

Site Specific Information

Click on the location below to view important information that you should know before accessing the site.


Westinghouse Department of Energy (DOE) Behavior Observation Program Training

This training provides information about Access Authorization, Fitness-for-Duty, and Behavioral Observation Program requirements as outlined in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 707. Everyone cleared for access to Department of Energy Contracts and in the Westinghouse DOE Behavior Observation Program must be trained on this program and re-tested annually. This training covers the importance of being fit for duty and what is expected of you as part of the program. Specifically, you will learn about the factors that affect fitness-for-duty; the potential consequences of substance abuse; the chemical testing process; and how to identify and respond to behavioral problems.

Please CLICK HERE to be taken to the training course.


Active Threat Training

It is the objective of Westinghouse Global Security to prepare personnel for the unlikely event of an active threat attack at Westinghouse. Throughout this training, personnel will learn what the plan of action should be if ever in such a situation. It is important that this training creates awareness of the possibility of an attack and what responsibilities should be taken for protection.

Please CLICK HERE to be taken to the training course.